Message from our Principal
The staff at Numa Elementary School welcomes you and your family!
We are committed to making this school year a successful experience for every student. We firmly believe that a home/school partnership is necessary for the success of all our students. Learning is not an easy process. It involves hard work by everyone: the teacher, the parent, the principal, and most importantly the student.
At Numa, we value each student and provide opportunities for success. Our school motto is SOAR, which stands for Safe School, Outstanding Character, Academic Achievement, and Respect for Self and Others. Academic instruction is rigorous and relevant based on the Nevada Academic Content Standards. Students are also provided opportunities to develop citizenship, teamwork, discipline, and integrity through positive behavior supports.
Research and experience show us that parent/guardian involvement in a child’s education is directly related to his/her success in school. To maximize your child’s success, emphasize the importance of education through the following:
• Ensure that your child is at school on time each day
• Attend parent/teacher conferences and school events
• Monitor your child’s homework daily
• Expect and support positive behavior at school
• Read with your child or encourage your child to read daily.
In addition, there are numerous volunteer opportunities in which we welcome you to become involved. Volunteers make a tremendous positive impact and enrich our educational program. Please consider supporting our school in this way.
I look forward to partnering with you to make this an exciting and successful year for our students! Thank you in advance for your support and commitment.
Shawn Purrell
Numa Principal